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Learning Interchange
National Digital Library Workshop

Welcome to the NDL/CGLI Facilitated Workshop.

This 5 session workshop utilizes National Digital Library presentations and combines local Curriculum Specialists and Challenge Grant Learning Interchange facilitation to guide participants in the development of inquiry based lessons/units using NDL primary resources.

Maps and Floor Plans
Session #1 Session #3 Session #5
Session #2 Session #4 Scheduling

Session #1 Touring American Memory and Treasure Hunting: Searching for the American Memory Historical Collections

This workshop will acquaint participants with the online resources of the Library of Congress and selected highlights from the American Memory historical collections and address the challenge of finding items in this unique digital resource. The workshop will provide participants with a set of skills and a conceptual understanding of the online collections, which will support effective use of collection finding aids and search tools. Educators will be able to show how to enable and empower students to use the collections effectively. Guided instruction in navigation of the web site will be provided through hands-on participation.

Participant Goals:
In this workshop, each participant will:
  • Explore collection resources to identify topics of interest
  • Begin to develop the skills needed to use the Library of Congress web sites effectively

Participant Objectives:
At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  • Understand the mission of the Library of Congress’ National Digital Library Program and its commitment to providing access to primary source material through the use of technology.
  • Understand that American Memory is a collection of archival collections each with its own unique characteristics and search opportunities.
  • Understand the tools, skills and conceptual underpinnings of the collections, allowing them to utilize the collections in their teaching.
  • Use strategies that are modeled to locate documents, images, and multimedia resources on in the collections.
  • Identify team topics of interest.

Facilitator Activities:
  • Demonstrate multiple search methods for materials.
  • Distribute and review contact information, URLs, pre - post web site activities, agendas, and templates.
Participant/Team Activities:
  • Teams begin identifying topics.
  • Teams begin searching the collections.
  • Teams share strategies of searching collections that they would use with their students and identify the inherent difficulties.
Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the presentation.

Begin Session #1

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Session #2 Evaluating Primary Sources from the American Memory Historical Collections

In this workshop, participants will learn a three-step evaluation process to use with primary source media formats (images, sound recordings, video, and text). Through direct instruction, guided practice, and independent exercises, they will explore ways to help their students think about what they "see", "hear" and "read" in the American Memory collections.

Participant Goals:
In this workshop, each participant will:
  • Understand that primary sources come “unvarnished” and raise more questions than they answer.
  • Develop strategies for “making meaning” from the materials.

Participant Objectives:
At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  • Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
  • Apply a resource analysis process to analyze primary source media (visual, auditory, textual).
  • Replicate modeled use of multimedia in the development of their own lessons.
  • Identify collection resources specific to their topics.
  • Copy, paste and save permanent URL(s) of resources specific to their topics.

Facilitator Activities:
  • Demonstrate and provide guided practice in a resource analysis process for analyzing primary sources.
  • Introduce the concept of a resource guide.
Participant/Team Activities:
  • Identify specific resources within a collection as they pertain to their selected topics.
  • Practice analyzing primary sources using the resource analysis process.
Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the presentation.

Begin Session #2

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Session #3 It’s All in the Design

This workshop's focus is to create lessons that use primary sources and work well on the Web. Working with several American Memory collections, we will use an inquiry approach to explore the topic of Westward Expansion and the concept of Manifest Destiny. We'll use tools especially developed to help in designing lessons with primary sources. With the aid of our toolkit, we'll look at fundamental elements of curriculum design.

Participant Goals:
In this workshop, each participant will:
  • Hone skills and increase knowledge necessary for creating effective and engaging lessons/units that may be presented on the Web.
  • Align instructional plans with established standards, curriculum and student achievement assessments.

Participant Objectives:
At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  • Identify what makes curriculum both effective and engaging for students.
  • Align curriculum (essential understandings) with assessments of achievement and units/lesson(s).

Facilitator Activities:
  • Present methods for conducting inquiry with students.
  • Present and discuss the development of engaging and effective units/lesson(s).
Participant/Team Activities:
  • Examine existing online lessons to develop understandings about what elements make them effective and which elements don’t work.
  • Practice aligning curriculum and assessments of achievement in unit/lesson(s).
Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the presentation.

Begin Session #3

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Session #4 Unit/Lesson Development

Participants will use their Challenge Grant Learning Interchange membership to enter their resources/unit/lesson to the CGLI web site. They will be coached through curriculum questions and offered technical support.

Participant Goal:
In this workshop, each participant will:
  • Continue to develop products that provide thematic, standards-based learning experiences using primary source materials from the National Digital Library or other digital sources.

Participant Objective:
  • At the end of this workshop, participants will have begun to develop inquiry and standards based unit/lesson(s) using digital primary resources. This includes organizing the design and layout elements.

Facilitator Activities:
  • Guide and review the development of web-based lessons/units.
Participant/Team Activities:
  • Discuss unit plan with local curriculum specialists.
  • Review web based unit/lesson(s).
  • Search the NDL and other available online resources for primary source materials.
  • Plan their own unit/lesson(s) to include:
    • focus question(s) as part of the planning overview/purpose narrative
    • achievement assessments that are aligned with the curriculum
    • tentative learning activities
Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the presentation.

Begin Session #4

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Session #5 Putting It All Together

Participants will be coached through curriculum questions and offered technical support as they create an inquiry based unit/lesson(s).

Participant Goal:
In this workshop, each participant will:
  • Complete the development of and increase skill in the unit/lesson(s) development process.

Participant Objectives:
At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  • Navigate the CGLI web site.
  • Access available resources, unit(s)/lesson(s) from the NDL and CGLI web sites.
  • Copy and download text, images, sound and video files for use in the classroom.
And, will have:
  • Completed an online, standards-based unit/lesson(s) using, but not limited to, primary source materials from the National Digital Library.
  • Posted resources, unit(s)/lesson(s) to the CGLI web site.

Facilitator Activities:
  • Guide completion and review of team unit/lesson(s).
  • Discuss technical requirements for classroom use of digital resources.
Participant/Team Activities:
  • Finalize unit/lesson(s) plan.
  • Practice downloading text, images, sound and video files and converting them for classroom use.
  • Prepare and post resources, unit/lesson(s) to the web site.
Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the presentation.

Begin Session #5

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Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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