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Lesson Details

Subject: Math
Learning Level: Middle School
Author(s): group
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Students will find the relevance of using number formats in areas of life.

Lesson fundamental understandings:
Essential Questions:

In certain circumstances it is best to use fractions, decimals, or percents.


National Standards

Compare and order groups containing a mix of fractions, percents and decimals.

State Standards

Nevada Mathematics Content Standards and Indicators of Progress- Grade 7 1.7.6 Compare and order groups containing a mix of fractions, percents, and decimals (e.g., on a number line)


Prerequisite Skills

Students will have prior knowledge of how to work with fractions, decimals and percents (basic operations) Students will have prior knowledge of multiplying decimals. If students don’t have the prior knowledge, use this context to review on demand.

Teacher Information/Situations/Setting/Time

Teacher information:
Teach skills of converting fractions to decimals and percents.

Students and teacher will interact to discuss this problem:

The sign says "1/4 off everything in the store." Moreover, that coat you always dreamed of is still in the window. It’s marked $199.95. So you dash in and ask to try on the coat. It fits perfectly. The clerk boxes it for you and says, " That’ll be $199.70 plus tax." Is that right?

Setting/ Time
This lesson will take one 90-minute period or two 45 minute periods.


Students will have answered the question above with explanation of reasoning.
They must also include the importance of number formats in certain areas to avoid errors like the problem that arose in our questioning.

Student Activity/Tasks

Students will read and discuss advantages and disadvantages of using different representations of a number and explain reasoning by researching newspaper, magazines, or flyers.

Enrichment/Alternate Activity:

Students might role play the activity in groups of two or small groups of more students.


Reading, students will discover various meanings of context

Technology Requirements/Tools/Materials

- Video camera might be used to record role play.
- Calculators may be used for conversions
- http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/webmath/fract2dec.html


Larry Copes

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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
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