In this lesson students explore deeper into the character's psyche by examining a specific character and role-playing. Students must have successfully completed lessons 1 & 2 to begin this lesson.
Successful completion of the two previous lessons.
Lesson 3: Collaborative group learning & reflective journal writing
Activity 1: Class chooses four characters from the poetry studied in Lessons 1 & 2 to use in this activity. Teacher creates character-alike groups ("expert groups"). Expert group members (1) discuss their character in depth, (2) preparE for possible questions from other groups, and (3) prepare questions to ask the other three characters. Activity 2: Teacher creates "rainbow groups" of four different characters each. Groups conduct a "hot seat" where each character is asked questions by each member of the group. The student on the hot seat responds in character to each question posed. Teacher calls time and calls out a second character to be in the hot seat, and the groups proceed as before. The same procedure is followed until all students are in the hot seat as their selected character. Activity 3: After all characters have had a chance to be in the hot seat. volunteers of each character conduct a whole-class panel hot seat. Class members pose questions to characters. Activity 4: Reflection: Students write a short reflection about their experiences in the hot seat, and as a participating group member.