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Terraform Mars Lesson 5: Color Me Red, Green, Blue
Edijoy Baynard
    2-3 Days 45 minutes

Lesson created on 10/27/1999 10:41:22 AM EST.
Last modified 8/1/2000 1:03:28 PM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

Students have brainstormed reasons for terraforming Mars, familiarized themselves with terminology, compared and contrasted the ecological and environmental condtions of Earth and Mars, and proposed technology needed to complete the terraforming project. Students are now at the point where they can begin the first stage of terraforming introducing microorgansims and primative plants. NASA scientists have researched the type of microorganisms for terraforming.

National Standards  (help)

Living organisms have played many roles in the earth system, including affecting the composition of the atmosphere, producing some types of rocks, and contributing to the weathering of rocks.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Utilizing the internet

Teacher Information  (help)

Microorganisms for terraforming: Chroococcidiopsis sp. - A primative type of cyanobacterium, capable of surviving in alarge varity of extreme conditions: exceptiional aridity , salinity, high and low temperature. This organism is common in regions with desert paement morphology, living beneath translucent pebbles which act both as a moisture trap and UV shield. E.I. Friedmann, and R. Ocampo-Friedmann, "A Primative Cyanobacterium as Pioneer Microorgansim for Terrafoming Mars,"Adv. Space Res., 15(3), 243-246 (1995) Matteia sp.- filamentous in shape and has the ability to fix nitrogen when nitrogen compounds are unavailable from the surrounding medium. It has been suggested that this organims might be used to liberate carbon dioxide on Mars and as part of a biogeochemical carbon cycle. E.I.Friedmann, M. Hua, and R. Ocampo-Friedmann, "Terraforming Mars: Dissolution of Carbonate Rocks by Cyanobacteria," JBIS, 46, 291-292, (1993) D. radiodurans -is something found living in the cooling waters of nuclear reactors. J.A. hiscox and D.J. Thomas, "Genetic Modification and Selection of Microorgansims for Growth on Mars, "JBIS, 48, 419-426 (1995) Other Organisms for Terraforming: lichen self-pollinating plants Websites: From primordial soup to the prebiotic beach (Dr. Stanley Miller) www.gene.com/ae/WN/NM/miller.html Botanists perfect food capable of growing on Mars www.science.siu.edu/plant~biology/clippings/yopp1.html Biology and the Planetary Engineering of Mars spot.colorado.edu/~marscase/cfm/articles/biorev3.html Terminology: Ecopoiesis - The implantaion of the first life forms to a natural environment Extremophiles - A bacteria hardened to environmenta extreme

Assessment  (help)

Student Activity  (help)

Astrobiologist Planting Mars You are one of the first 100 poeple arriving at Mars, and it is your scientific duty to begin the distribution of organisms around the planet. Fortunatly, you have brought with you the Astrobiology text for Mars. In this book you will find all the information you need to complete your scientific duty. Answer the following questions for each organisms: 1.Description 2.Uses 3.Origin 4.Terraform Changes as aresult of the organisms 5.Time of Change Red to Green or Green to Blue 6.Why this organisms? Organisms: a) Cyaobacteria b) Chrooccidiopsis sp. c) Matteia d) D. radiodurans e) Self-Pollinating Primateve Plants f) Aphanothece Halophytica g) Buried Organic Material h) Lichen g) Advanced Plants Build three dimensional models depicting the stage of planetary changes: Red to Green and Green to Blue

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

Internet Virtual Realityvirtual reality is accessib

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USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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